I did not know anything about Allen Ginsberg, nor Jack Kerouac, nor the Beat Generation. So let me explain a little.
The term "Beat Generation" represents an entire period in time ; the core group consisted of Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, NealCassady and William S. Burroughs, who met in New York City in the 40s. They subsequently met Gregory Corso and Herbert Huncke before they all moved to San Francisco where they exapanded the group with Gary Snyder, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Michael McClure, Philip Whalen and Lew Welch.

Key elements of the Beat culture included drugs, sexual experiences, interest in Eastern religion, rejection of materialism, and idealization of exuberant means of expression.
Ginsberg's poem Howl contains lines about homosexual sex. William Burroughs' Naked Lunch focuses on drug use, but also contains sexual content. In addition, there are explicit descriptions of alternative sexual practices. Both works were prosecuted for obscenity. The trial for Howl is related in the movie. Victory in both cases marked the end of literary censorship in the US. The members of the Beat Generation have a reputation as bohemian hedonists who celebrated non-conformity and spontaneous creativity. Most of them were either homosexual or bisexual, more or less openly. As Ginsberg describes his life, he is completely open about his sexuality.

All in all, it goes back and forth, with flashbacks as Ginsberg talks about his life, so basically at some point I lost track of what was going on and, eventually, interest.
All-in-all, I do not think it is a bad movie. It doesn’t even last this long, about 90 minutes more or less. I am even considering reading Howl so that I learn a bit more about that time, which I am assuming strongly inspired the Hippie Movement. Historically it is fascinating how a small movement can have such a great influence. I just think I lacked the openness to appreciate the movie, which is really much more like a documentary.
Nobody knows whether we were catalysts or invented something, or just the froth riding on a wave of its own. We were all three, I suppose
- Allen Ginsberg